英语话中国传统节日(河南理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Introduction Unit 1 quiz

1、 The line of the poem The
spring wind makes the wine warm for the New Year is written by _____.

A:LI Bai


C:Wang Anshi

D: Meng Haoran

答案: Wang Anshi

2、 Which festival do the
lines of the poem I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,
climb up mountain and miss me so far away describe? _____

A:The Lantern Festival
B:The Dragon Boat
C:The Double Seventh
D:The Double Ninth
答案: The Double Ninth

3、 The system of four seasons and twenty-four solar terms
was established in ______.

A:the Xia dynasty
B:the Zhou dynasty
C:the Tang dynasty
D: the Han dynasty
答案:  the Han dynasty

4、 Which one of the
following explanations is not related to the formation of Chinese traditional
festivals? _____

A:Ancient Chinese
understanding of natural phenology and temporal changes
B: Ancient Chinese
production mode and their living style
C: Some social customs
and historical culture of Chinese
D: The emperors’ will and
their interests
答案:  The emperors’ will and
their interests

5、 Festival culture
develops in the long historical process, reflecting the national customs and

答案: 正确

6、  The Spring Festival is
in accordance with the solar term of the beginning of spring, which is a time of
fresh beginning.

答案: 错误

7、 The sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC
proposed the strategic policy of “culture going out”.

答案: 正确

8、 The Mid-Autumn
Festival is closely related to the beautiful legend of the Cowherd and Weaving

答案: 错误

9、 3. Chinese traditional
festivals are related to ancient Chinese understanding of natural phenology and
temporal changes.

答案: 正确

10、 The line of the poem The spring wind makes the wine warm for the New Year is written by _____.

A:LI Bai
C:Wang Anshi
D: Meng Haoran
答案: Wang Anshi

11、 Which festival do the lines of the poem I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand, climb up mountain and miss me so far away describe? _____

A:The Lantern Festival
B:The Dragon Boat Festival

C:The Double Seventh Festival

D:The Double Ninth Festival

答案: The Double Ninth Festival

12、 The system of four seasons and twenty-four solar terms was established in ______.

A:the Xia dynasty

B:the Zhou dynasty

C:the Tang dynasty
D: the Han dynasty

答案:  the Han dynasty

13、 Which one of the following explanations is not related to the formation of Chinese traditional festivals? _____

A:Ancient Chinese understanding of natural phenology and temporal changes

B: Ancient Chinese production mode and their living style

C: Some social customs and historical culture of Chinese

D: The emperors’ will and their interests

答案:  The emperors’ will and their interests

14、 Festival culture develops in the long historical process, reflecting the national customs and habits.

答案: 正确

15、  The Spring Festival is in accordance with the solar term of the beginning of spring, which is a time of fresh beginning.

答案: 错误

16、 The sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC proposed the strategic policy of “culture going out”.

答案: 正确

17、 The Mid-Autumn Festival is closely related to the beautiful legend of the Cowherd and Weaving Maid.

答案: 错误

18、 3. Chinese traditional festivals are related to ancient Chinese understanding of natural phenology and temporal changes.

答案: 正确

Unit 2 Current Situation of Chinese Traditional Festival Culture Unit 2 quiz

1、 QU Yuan is a politician and poet in _____.

A:the Three Kingdoms period
B: the Warring
States period
C:the Song dynasty
D:the Western Han dynasty
答案:  the Warring
States period

2、 Chinese traditional festivals are related to the
following explanations except _____.

A:the solar term
B: some myths and
C:the alternation of the dynasties
D: religious and sacred narrations
答案: the alternation of the dynasties

3、 Which one of the following is not
the main factor that influences the weak atmosphere of Chinese traditional

A:The establishment of modern life style
B:The driving force of economic interests
C:The impact of western festivals
D:The development of science and
答案: The development of science and

4、 The Dragon Boat Festival is associated with
commemorating and reminiscing about _____.

A:Jie Zitui
B: LU Ban
C:QU Yuan
D:XU Xian
答案: QU Yuan

5、 The lines of One
night’s east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers and blows down stars in
showers describe the situation of _____.

A:The Spring Festival
B:The Lantern Festival
C:The Mid-Autumn
D:The Double Ninth
答案: The Lantern Festival

6、 Nowadays, more and more people,
especially the young, prefer to celebrate western festivals more than Chinese

答案: 正确

7、  In ancient China, Chinese people rely on the
seasons and solar terms to do their farming work.

答案: 正确

8、 Chinese traditional festivals are
closely related to the agricultural society.

答案: 正确

9、 The Dragon Boat Festival
originally related to ancient people’s concept of the Evil.

答案: 错误

10、 In modern society, Chinese
traditional festivals are greatly influenced by the commercialization.

答案: 正确

11、 QU Yuan is a politician and poet in _____.

A:the Three Kingdoms period
B: the Warring States period
C:the Song dynasty

D:the Western Han dynasty

答案:  the Warring States period

12、 Chinese traditional festivals are related to the following explanations except _____.

A:the solar term
B: some myths and legends
C:the alternation of the dynasties
D: religious and sacred narrations

答案: the alternation of the dynasties

13、 Which one of the following is not the main factor that influences the weak atmosphere of Chinese traditional festivals?_____

A:The establishment of modern life style
B:The driving force of economic interests
C:The impact of western festivals
D:The development of science and technology

答案: The development of science and technology

14、 The Dragon Boat Festival is associated with commemorating and reminiscing about _____.

A:Jie Zitui
B: LU Ban
C:QU Yuan
D:XU Xian
答案: QU Yuan

15、 The lines of One night’s east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers and blows down stars in showers describe the situation of _____.

A:The Spring Festival
B:The Lantern Festival

C:The Mid-Autumn Festival

D:The Double Ninth Festival

答案: The Lantern Festival

16、 Nowadays, more and more people, especially the young, prefer to celebrate western festivals more than Chinese ones.

答案: 正确

17、  In ancient China, Chinese people rely on the seasons and solar terms to do their farming work.

答案: 正确

18、 Chinese traditional festivals are closely related to the agricultural society.

答案: 正确

19、 The Dragon Boat Festival originally related to ancient people’s concept of the Evil.

答案: 错误

20、 In modern society, Chinese traditional festivals are greatly influenced by the commercialization.

答案: 正确

Unit 3 The Spring Festival Unit 3 quiz

1、  Chinese New Year is also called the Spring Festival, because it usually falls around _____.

A:     Winter Solstice
B:     Start of Spring
C:     Beginning of Winter
D:Great Cold
答案:      Start of Spring

2、 The original meaning of nian comes from _____.

A:     geography
D:     religion
答案: farming

3、 The earliest form of celebrating the Spring Festival is related to Emperor ______.

A:      Yao
C:      Yu
D:Tang of the Shang dynasty
答案: Shun

4、 When was the Spring Festival listed as a three-day nationwide public holiday to celebrate cheerfully? _

A:    time under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen
B:in the Qing dynasty
C:on the first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
D:    in the Ming dynasty
答案: on the first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 

5、 In folk custom, preparing for the Spring Festival is seven days earlier before New Year’s Eve on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, which is called ______.

A:     Honoring the Kitchen God
B:    the Preliminary New Year
C:the Sacrifice Festival
D:Cleaning dust
答案:     the Preliminary New Year

6、 On the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, the Chinese families give their homes a thorough cleaning, which is called the custom of ______.

A:     cleaning ceilings
B:cleaning kitchens
C:cleaning dust
D:cleaning yards
答案: cleaning dust

7、 New Year paintings originated in the paintings of Gods of Gate in _____

A:the Tang dynasty
B:the Sui dynasty
C:the Song dynasty
D:the Qing dynasty
答案: the Tang dynasty

8、 The earliest couplets in China are called_____.

A:paintings of God of Wealth
B:Chinese knots
答案: taofu

9、 Which one of the following is not the implication of staying up through the night?

A:        cherishing time
B:extending parents’ life
C:People couldn’t bear to part with the days gone by.
D:testing people’s patience
答案: testing people’s patience

10、 People choose to put the money in red envelopes because they think red is a/an_____ color.

C:       unforgettable
答案: lucky

11、 The customs of visiting friends and relatives are as follows except _____.

A:greeting one another with “Happy Chinese New Year”
B:taking small gifts when you visit
C:visiting the seniors and wishing them longevity
D:hanging lanterns
答案: hanging lanterns

12、 Which of the following cities claims to host the largest New Year celebrations outside of Asia?

B:New York
答案: London

13、 Which one of the following is not the significance the Spring Festival we talked in Section Four? ______

A:       bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new
B:     reunion and harmony
C:      cherishing time
D:showing filial deity
答案:       cherishing time

14、 Which statement is not true with regard to the significance of the Spring Festival? 

A:  The busiest time for transportation systems is about half a month during the Spring Festival.
B:     People first offer sacrifice to the ancestors and then greet the seniors.
C:What is actually expected for the Spring Festival is a new and better beginning.
D:In modern China, Start of Spring is regarded as the beginning of the year. 
答案: In modern China, Start of Spring is regarded as the beginning of the year. 

15、 Which food is indispensible for the reunion dinner in the South in the Spring Festival? _____

A:New Year cakes
答案: New Year cakes







英语话中国传统节日(河南理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

英语话中国传统节日(河南理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案满分完整版章节测试第2张

