大学英语写作(北京科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Starting an Essay Quiz 知识要点测验

1、 Common strategies to write a hook include_.

A:telling a story
B:asking a question
C:presenting statistics
D:issuing a general statement
E:using a quotation
答案: telling a story;
asking a question;
presenting statistics;
issuing a general statement;
using a quotation

2、 Five-paragraph essay is one of the most common essay formats in college.

答案: 正确

3、 The type of writing and target audience decide which hook to use.

答案: 正确

4、 You can only use one of hook strategies in your introduction paragraph.

答案: 错误

5、 Basic essay structure is quite similar regardless of essay type. 

答案: 正确

6、 The number of body paragraphs depends on the length of an essay.

答案: 正确

7、 An inverted triangle is used to describe the pattern of introduction paragraph in this unit.

答案: 正确

8、 A conclusion paragraph should give readers a sense of completion.

答案: 正确

9、 When you use a quotation as a hook, you should write the source of the quotation.

答案: 正确

10、 A typical five-paragraph essay includes one _ paragraph, three __ paragraphs and one conclusion paragraph. (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: introduction

11、 A typical five-paragraph essay includes one _ paragraph, three __ paragraphs and one conclusion paragraph. (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: body

12、 A good introduction paragraph usually follows a general to __ pattern.
答案: specific

13、 Thesis statement refers to the sentence presenting the ______ or the central idea of an essay.
答案: thesis

14、 A thesis statement is usually presented in one _____ sentence (陈述句), never taking the form of a question.
答案: declarative

15、 It’s recommended that a thesis statement should be placed at the __ of an introduction paragraph.
答案: end

16、 An argumentative thesis statement should have a debatable or arguable c___. (已给出首写字母,答案只需写下剩下的字母)
答案: laim

17、 Three subdivisions or subtopics in a three point thesis statement serve as a ______ map indicating the organization of body paragraphs. 
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)road;

18、 The sentence which links the hook with the thesis statement is called ______ sentence or transition.
答案: bridge

19、 A good conclusion paragraph usually follows a specific to __ pattern.
答案: general

作业Unit 1 Starting an Essay Writing task 写作任务

1、 Write an introduction paragraph on the topic of Should tablets (平板) replace textbooks in school? You should start your introduction paragraph with a hook, and ends it with a three-point thesis statement. Write at least 30 words but no more than 50 words.
评分规则:  恰当的使用了hook,能够吸引读者
段落最后一句为三点主旨句(thesis statement)

Unit 2 Developing the Body of an Essay 知识要点测验

1、 The transitional word accordingly can be used to _____.

A:give an example
B:show sequence
C:give one’s opinion
D:show cause and effect
答案: show cause and effect

2、 The transitional word conversely can be used to _____.

A:give an example
B:show contrast
C:give one’s opinion
D:make a conclusion
答案: show contrast

3、 The transition phrase for starters can be used to ___.

A:give an example
B:show sequence
C:make a conclusio
D:show cause and effect
答案: show sequence

4、 Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph below. _________. First, the classes in small college are small. There are approximately twenty students in average class in a small college. Second, it is easy to meet with professors. Almost all professors in small colleges have time to help students and are usually happy to do so. Third, small colleges are friendly, so new students make friends quickly. Thus, small colleges are better than large universities for many students.

A:Staff in a small college are friendlier than those in a large university.
B:A small college is preferable to a large university in several ways.
C:An excellent education you can get at a small college.
D:A small college is different from a large university in many ways. 
答案: A small college is preferable to a large university in several ways.

5、 An effective body paragraph should include ___.

A:a topic sentence
B:a thesis statement
C:supporting sentences
D:a concluding sentence
答案: a topic sentence;
supporting sentences;
a concluding sentence

6、 Sources of information for supporting sentences might come from ______.

B:research studies
答案: facts;
research studies;

7、 Qualities of good topic sentences include _____.

A:first-sentence location
B:indicating the progression of the essay
C:linking to the thesis statement
D:presenting the thesis of the essay
E:introducing the main idea of the paragraph
答案: first-sentence location;
indicating the progression of the essay;
linking to the thesis statement;
introducing the main idea of the paragraph

8、 Common cohesive devices include ______.

D:reference words
E:transitional words
答案: repetition;
reference words;
transitional words

9、 Crating an outline is a good strategy to achieve coherence in an essay.

答案: 正确

10、 You must write a concluding sentence for each body paragraph.

答案: 错误

11、 It is strongly recommended that the topic sentence should be placed at the b__ of a body paragraph. (已给出首写字母,答案只需写下剩下的字母)
答案: eginning

12、 A good body paragraph shows connection to the thesis, _ (统一性),  __(连贯), and full development. (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: unity

13、 A good body paragraph shows connection to the thesis, _ (统一性),  __(连贯), and full development. (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: coherence

14、 In a topic sentence, who or what you are writing about is the ____, and what you are saying about the topic is the main point.
答案: topic

15、 Major and minor supporting details are often introduced by transition words. Words like first, next, finally often introduce _ details. Words like for example, for instance, one such case often introduce _____ details. (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: major

16、 Major and minor supporting details are often introduced by transition words. Words like first, next, finally often introduce _ details. Words like for example, for instance, one such case often introduce _____ details. (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: minor

作业Unit 2 Developing the Body of an Essay 写作任务

1、 Directions: Write three body paragraphs on the topic of Should tablets replace textbooks in schools. Organize your body paragraphs on the basis of the following three-point thesis statement: Tablets will not take the place of textbooks in schools because tablets can distract students from learning, cause health problems and financial burden for parents. Write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
评分规则:  每个主体段落开头都有主题句,且主题句与主旨的观点一一对应。

Unit 3 Ending an Essay & Writing Process 知识要点测验

1、 A conclusion paragraph provides an opportunity to ___.

A:combine your thoughts into a complete whole
B:have the final say on the issue you have raised in your essay
C:give readers a sense of completion
D:leave readers with something to think about
答案: combine your thoughts into a complete whole;
have the final say on the issue you have raised in your essay;
give readers a sense of completion;
leave readers with something to think about

2、 Common strategies to paraphrase a text include _______.

A:changing the part of speech of a word
B:using synonyms
C:changing the voice
D:changing word order
答案: changing the part of speech of a word;
using synonyms;
changing the voice;
changing word order

3、 Original: This product can break down excess body fat, thus helping shed some pounds.Paraphrase: This product can help you lose weight by removing extra fat in your body.Which strategies are used in the above paraphrase?

A:using synonyms
B:changing the voice
C:changing word order
D:combining short sentences
答案: using synonyms;
changing word order

4、 Elements of an effective conclusion paragraph include ___.

A:using transitional words
B:introducing the essay topic
C:summarizing the body
D:making a broad statement
E:restating the thesis
答案: using transitional words;
summarizing the body;
making a broad statement;
restating the thesis

5、 You can simply repeat the thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph.

答案: 错误

6、 Your conclusion paragraph should begin specific and end general.

答案: 正确

7、 Transitional words “in brief” can be used in the conclusion paragraph to indicate that you are closing your essay. 

答案: 正确

8、 The last sentence in a conclusion paragraph can be a call for some sort of action, a warning, a suggestion or a provocative question.

答案: 正确

9、 New ideas can be brought up in the conclusion paragraph.

答案: 错误

10、 Is the paraphrase below acceptable?Original: The student requested that the professor excuses her absence, but the professor refused.Paraphrase: The student asked the professor to excuse her absence, but the professor denied. (答案处填写数字    1=Acceptable   2=Unacceptable )
答案: 2

11、 An effective paraphrase should keep the _ (最初的;原始的) meaning of the text, uses _____ (不同的) words and sentence structure. (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: original

12、 An effective paraphrase should keep the _ (最初的;原始的) meaning of the text, uses _____ (不同的) words and sentence structure. (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: different

13、 Generally, the writing process includes four stages: prewriting, __, revising, and _.  (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: drafting

14、 Generally, the writing process includes four stages: prewriting, __, revising, and _.  (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: editing

15、 Three techniques for prewriting are __ (头脑风暴), _ (列提纲), clustering or mind mapping. (此题只填写第1个空的答案)
答案: brainstorming

16、 Three techniques for prewriting are __ (头脑风暴), _ (列提纲), clustering or mind mapping. (此题只填写第2个空的答案)
答案: outlining

17、 Revising focuses on large-scale elements of the essay, mainly including content, overall structure and structure within paragraphs while __ deals with small matters such as spelling, grammar, punctuation (标点符号), word choice and sentence structure.
答案: editing

作业Unit 3 Ending an Essay & Writing Process 写作任务

1、 Directions: The introduction paragraph and topic sentences for three body paragraphs on the essay topic of On Effects of Overpopulation are provided below. Write a conclusion paragraph for the essay, including restating the thesis, summarizing the body and making a broad statement. Write at least 25 words but no more than 50 words.Introduction paragraph:Looking back at history, we suffer from a “population explosion.” This means that the world’s population has been booming rapidly, rising to unwanted numbers. Developing nations face the problem of overpopulation more than developed countries, but it affects most of the Earth as of now. The effects of overpopulation are quite severe.Body paragraph 1:The most obvious effect of overpopulation is the environmental problems which are growing at an alarming rateBody paragraph 2:Overpopulation can also result in rise in unemployment as there will not be enough jobs to support such a large population.Body paragraph 3:In addition, without an increase in food production that matches the rising population, food shortage is unavoidable.
评分规则:  结尾段落包含了重述的主旨句

作业Unit 5 Practical Writing 写作任务

1、 Write an informal thank-you letter to your friend who bought you the reference book you need. Follow the four steps: ①start with a proper salutation (称呼;称谓); ②start the letter; ③start what needs to be communicated;④end the letter. Write at least 50 words but no more than 100 words. 
评分规则:  开头称谓适合信件的风格

Unit 4 Sentence Skills 知识要点测验

1、 The alteration of vocabulary choices often come along with the change of grammatical and __ choices. 

A:syntactic (句法的)
B:voice (语态的)
D:semantic (语义的) 
答案: syntactic (句法的)

2、 The ideal average sentence length should not exceed __lines in your writing.

答案: three

3、 Which one-sentence expanding skill is used in the following sentence? The small town was scarred by the unexpected storm, witnessing a scar of extensive damage, severe injuries and even several deaths.

A:Rephrase a key word to emphasize the main idea.
B:Use a correlative conjunction to compare two ideas.
C:Use an introductory phrase or clause for the less important ideas.
D:Use a participial phrase to emphasize certain atmosphere.
答案: Rephrase a key word to emphasize the main idea.

4、 Which of the phrases below in bold type is a misplaced modifier?

A:The suspects were interviewed by the detectives right after the crime was committed.
B:John was praised for his great accomplishments by his teacher.
C:While hunting in my pajamas in Africa, I shot an elephant.
D:The student in blue sweatpants walked her dog .
答案: John was praised for his great accomplishments by his teacher.

5、 Jose wanted to study he tried to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed. The sentence above is not well written. Choose a correct version.

A:Jose wanted to study he tried to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed.
B:Jose wanted to study, he tried to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed.
C:Because he wanted to study, Jose tried to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed.
D:Jose wanting to study, and trying to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed.
答案: Because he wanted to study, Jose tried to keep his roommates quiet; but he did not succeed.

6、 In the following sentence, Taking a walk in the park calms her down , if adv. slowly is used to modify the verbal phrase taking a walk, where should slowly be put?

A:Taking a walk slowly in the park calms her down.
B:Talking a walk in the park slowly calms her down.
C:Taking a walk in the park calms slowly her down.
D:Taking a talk in the park calms her down slowly.
答案: Taking a walk slowly in the park calms her down.

7、 The four types of sentence structures include _.

A:simple sentence
B:compound sentence
C:complex sentence
D:compound-complex sentence
答案: simple sentence;
compound sentence;
complex sentence;
compound-complex sentence

8、 The subordinating conjunctions include _.

答案: nevertheless;

9、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesI appreciate your help I would repay you one day. 

答案: 错误

10、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesThe vehicle, that banged on the pillar was devastated.

答案: 错误

11、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesShe enjoyed playing badminton but she could not bear the fierce competition.

答案: 错误

12、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesEager to gain favor, my parents were unimpressed with the gift.

答案: 错误

13、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesDespite receiving wide critique, the film performed well at the box office.

答案: 正确

14、 Is the sentence below well written?  F=No  T=YesWandering in the park slowly calms him down.

答案: 错误

15、 If writers need to layer the information, they are recommended to use __ (复杂的) sentence structure.
答案: complex

16、 Punctuation (标点符号), a __ (分号), can be used to separate the clauses but keep them in one sentence.
答案: semicolon

17、 Correlative conjunctions like both…and… can be used to compare or __ (对比) ideas.
答案: contrast

18、 1=explicit  2=ambiguous  答案填写数字1或2The meaning of the sentence below is __.The girl approached the monkey with a banana.
答案: 2

19、 Fill the blank with a proper word.Original: Despite receiving widespread critical acclaim, box office sales of the film were poor.Correction: Despite receiving widespread critical acclaim, the ____ performed poorly at the box office.
答案: film

20、 The attributive clause in the sentence below should be placed next to the word “______” which it relates to.The waiter presented a steak to the guest that was medium rare. 
答案: steak





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